The concept of going through a total kitchen renovation in one shot might seem overwhelming. It’s not hard to understand the reason – a kitchen remodeling project warrants a big investment into your home’s value, as well as your quality of life. For many homeowners, getting projects done at the same time might not be financially possible or even practical. In such cases, phased approaches to remodeling are worth looking into.

Breaking Down the Remodeling of the Kitchen in Different Stages
As far as phased approaches to remodeling go, there are 5 components to keep in mind: the plan, appliances, flooring, countertops, and cabinetry. More often than not, homeowners opt to break components into different stages, then implement changes within a certain amount of time based on their schedule or budget. That could involve spreading out project aspects over weeks, months, or years. Houzz claims that when a kitchen remodeling project is broken up into multiple stages, homeowners feel like they are progressing toward an objective, which is both rewarding and motivating. It will require a strategic plan and some patience. Here are some recommendations that can help you renovate your kitchen through different phases.
List the Top Five Wants and Needs of Your Kitchen
For the initial phase, gather some ideas and put together a kitchen design. This will help you track the goal and help you stay on top of your budget. Consider meeting with several kitchen designers/builders, and pick one that you feel comfortable working with. This collaboration will be a long-term one, and could possibly span years. We assist customers frequently with this, and can provide versatile financing options if you don’t feel like waiting to complete your dream kitchen. After you have selected a contractor/designer, you can start tentatively setting a schedule.

Evaluate Your Cabinetry’s Existing Bones
For the most part, the cabinetry update will leave the largest impact on the new design. As such, it should receive your full consideration and attention. The cabinets might end up being the costliest item in the kitchen remodeling project, based on the process you select. That’s why you need to be certain you choose the best cabinetry style and color that accommodates your tastes, budget, and lifestyle. If your current cabinetry “bones” don’t need any work (in other words, if the structural cabinetry materials aren’t damaged, compromised, or warped), then cabinet refacing could be an option for you. It is quicker and more affordable than having brand-new cabinets installed. In fact, refacing might end up saving you thousands, as you won’t have to rip out your cabinets and have new ones installed, which is not a cheap endeavor. Refacing gives you the same type of aesthetic transformation that brand-new cabinets do.

It is prudent to hire a professional remodeler/contractor to evaluate your current cabinetry’s structure. Consider the following when examining your cabinetry’s bones: will they be structurally sound to the point that they can withstand heavy granite or quartz countertops? If the answer is no, then you will need to upgrade cabinetry that supports the countertop. You may also want to consider an alternative that is much lighter (like laminate or a solid surface). Do you have a countertop made of heavy stone that you intend to keep? You should know that a stone surface can have small internal cracks and natural fissures, making them susceptible to stress and bending. For this reason, cabinets need to be replaced ahead of countertops. If you need new cabinetry areas added to the current floor plan, which can be done through refacing or another hybrid cabinetry solution of some sort.
Countertop Installation
After the cabinetry is sturdy enough, the second phase of the countertop installation process can proceed. Ask the HSM cabinets consultant you’re working with if you can see some countertop samples – ones that can complement the new cabinetry color and style. Engineered and natural stone countertops happen to be quite trendy these days, but they are not cheap. Contemporary laminate and solid surface countertop options serve as affordable alternatives.

New Appliance Upgrading
This particular phase can transpire while other stages are taking place. Homeowners may think it makes more sense to replace older appliances on an individual basis based on how important and used they are. Fridges, dishwashers, ovens, and stoves should be factored into all plans for the sake of ensuring that they can fit into certain spaces – in addition to the overall design styles initially desired.

Putting New Flooring Down
Unless your floors have sustained significant damage, you can probably replace flooring during any remodeling project stage. Some homeowners end up saving this job for last since it gives them time to think about what types of flooring would accommodate their kitchen’s new look. If you’re not crazy about how the flooring looks before this kitchen remodeling phase, think about covering them up with area rugs. There are a variety of options when it comes to flooring selections. One of our consultants can assist you with choosing the right color and material for your floors – ones that accommodate both your lifestyle and the room’s design.

Don’t Lose Focus
A lot of phases involved with your project can be interchanged, though cabinetry is an exception to the rule. By prioritizing the replacement of essential items (as opposed to ones you simply want), you’ll be able to maintain the functionality of your kitchen throughout the process. Remodeling in phased stages does warrant patience. However, the outcome will result in a kitchen that is not only well-built – it will accommodate both your budget and lifestyle.

Whether the approach you’re taking is phased, or you’re having your kitchen made over in one take, our experts can put together some creative ideas for you, as well as help you select designs and products wisely. Schedule an in-home meeting for free with a design consultant from HSM cabinets today.